RedHotPie's Top Ten

Top Ten Funny Porn Titles of All Time

Ahhh the good old stick flick, is there a better way to kill a lazy Sunday morning?(Well there might be one.) Throughout the years the humble adult movie has undergone a bit of an overhaul with big budgets, high profile stars and even some mainstream cross over making the erotic film business more respected than ever.

But one of our all time favourite aspects of these films is the sex parody. You can generally expect to see a sex parody of a blockbuster film within weeks of it opening. And really why not? As soon as you realise Sperminator sounds just like Terminator you're off and running!

So this month, we'd like to pay homage to our favourite funny porn titles of all time; from Forrest Gump to Star Trek to Saturday Night Fever, they're all here and they're all lampooned!

Top Ten Sexy Commercials of All Time

Television advertising, nobody likes it; it interrupts our shows, screams out of our sets at 400 decibels and generally tries to sell us things we don't want or need. Luckily, some of those Mad Men figured out we might be a little more interested if there was something in it for us, say a little pinch of sex, say a truckload of sex!

To kick the new year off with a bang so to speak, we're counting down the Ten Sexiest Commercials of All Time! There's supermodels, wildlife, rock'n'roll, poll dancing, heart attacks and beer, everything you need to make a good commercial.

Enjoy RedHotPie's Top Ten Sexy Commercials of All Time!

Top Ten SuperModels Of All Time

So if you haven't noticed we're big fans of the human form here at RedHotPie. I mean come on, there's a good reason the Madison Avenue advertising brigade live by the simple motto "sex sells", it's because it does.

For hundreds of years people have been associating their products with desirable folk to boost sales. Eventually we coined a term for these product spruiking hotties – models.

In time we'd have to create a new group for the hottest of the hot, thus the Supermodel was born! This month we're honouring the best of the best of the best, the Top Ten Supermodels of all Time!!!

Top Ten On Screen Bodies Of All Time

Summer's just about here and the best thing about that is the return of the greatest fashion item ever invented – the bikini!

This month we're celebrating the greatest onscreen bikini bodies of all time! From the classics to the contemporaries, we're talking tight skin and tight material that will tempt and titillate.

So settle in and start flicking through RedHotPie's Top Ten for November – the greatest onscreen bikini bodies of all time!

Top Ten Sexiest Clips of All Time

For so long, music was king when it came to sexy art forms. After shaking the painting crowd from the mantle a couple hundred years back, music has been going gangbusters in the sexy stakes - that is until the music video arrived. You see now you can spice up your flaccid sonic offerings with a camera, a few crew members and a generous helping of skin!

This month's we've spent some times in the video archives collating a super saucy top ten for October... it's RedHotPie's top ten sexy video clips of all time!

Top Ten Ultimate Shaggin' Wagons

What's better than cars? Sex, obviously, so it stands to reason that sex in cars is off the hook! Seeing as we've realised what an amazing combination this makes, we've honoured the best and most beloved shaggin' wagons from Australia's history.

The vans, the wagons, the utes, they're all here and we'd love you to join us, with a tear in your eye and a tingle in your pants, for a stroll through RedHotPie's top ten shaggin' wagons!

Top Ten Sexiest Cars Of All Times

Henry T Ford could never have imagined the impact of his mechanical tinkering, the way in which his automobile would go on to change and shape the world.

Cars have become an integral part of our culture; they go far beyond their practical conceptions and serve as symbols of status, power, wealth and yes, even sexual potency.

RedHotPie felt the need to burn away the fat, remove chaff and find the ten sexiest cars of all time. It was a tough job driving the world's most luxurious and loved cars but someone had to do it. Sure we got over a dozen speeding tickets but we got laid like you wouldn't believe!

So here it is, the RHP top ten sexiest cars of all time! See what you think.

Top Ten Sexy Australian Of The Year 2009

Forget your People Magazine sexy lists, your phone polls and here-say - here at, sexy is what we've built our empire on, it's what we know and it's time we started dishing out some credit for the Aussies at the top of the sexy tree! Join us as we roll out the inaugural Sexy Australian of the Year Award... Australia is the hottest country on the planet, and we're not talking temperature here people. Our men are tall, hard bodied and virile, while our women are sleek, tanned and curvaceous... the lucky country indeed. So here it is, the long toiled over list, the top ten of RedHotPie's Sexy Australian of the Year for 2009.

Top Ten Celebrity Sex Tapes

Have you noticed how many sex tapes have been surfacing over the last few years? It seems every celebrity has had their bedroom antics splashed all over the internet at one time or another and we have only one thing to say about that – THANKYOU!

Sure the sex tape isn't exclusive to the realm of celebrity; hell most of us have heaved our way through the red light fever once or twice, but so far as notoriety goes, the hotter the star, the more sought after the tape.

So in honor of our super sexy starlets we've trawled the planet's video archives and collated the RedHotPie top ten sex tape list!


Top Ten Sexy RedHeads

Oh Lordy, Lordy, what is it about those redheads? Is it the fire that burns just behind there eyes? Is it the flowing, flaming kiss of those luscious locks?
What ever it is, we've decided it's high time to round up the hottest of the RedHot redheads and see just what all the fuss is about… we think you’ll agree, red is one hell of a colour!